How to Change the World

I just discovered the secret to life. Our ultimate purpose. Why we are on this planet. Why we are where we are at any given moment. Why we’ve done what we’ve done. Every single moment is a lesson, but it is up to us to observe, learn, act and grow.

{The secret of life is is to put down the iPad when you hear your dog at the back door, ready to come in, even in the midst of this brilliant, enlightening thought. Even when you want to say, “Just a minute! I’m busy!” And you accept the present moment as it is, and you go to the back door to let your dog in. And when you do, you might see his little tail wagging back and forth, his tongue hanging out of his mouth so happy to see you. And you notice the happiness and joy of that moment, and you feel, you KNOW, that it is a miracle to you!}

The secret to life is to figure out who we are, to discover ourselves, our truth, and just BE who we are. It is letting go of things that do not matter, and accepting each moment as it is, without judgment, without regret or worry. It is forgiving ourselves and moving on from our mistakes with a fresh start, armed with brand new knowledge to help us succeed! It is dropping the negativity. All of it. RIGHT NOW. And dropping it again and again whenever it creeps back in. It is praying, because PRAYER WORKS. We just have to let go, let our intuition guide us, follow our hearts. That’s the Holy Spirit, you know?! And how can you go wrong with God on your side? And he IS on your side! Always! You just have to REALIZE it. And then, when we’ve figured this out, we start to see the small moments of happiness wrapped into our day. And eventually we realize that they are miracles. Little tiny miracles. And every time we witness a miracle, it is confirmation that we are doing right, and affirmation that everything is going to be okay… no matter what. When we realize this, and we become our full potential, we can CHANGE THE WORLD! So, find your truth, and live it!

3 thoughts on “How to Change the World”

  1. This is incredible Lindsay, absolutely amazing. It’s like you were able to write down everything I’ve been trying to implement in my life today. Thank you from this and I hope you and the boys (and darnit I forgot the dogs name, Oscar? Idk anyways thanks for writing this. Kit and see you in June for the wedding.

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